SERVICES / Offices

Coffee Machines for offices

The best coffee and coffee machines for the office to create an excellent coffee culture in any company. We know that when coffee runs low, work stops. That’s why a reliable coffee machine is essential, along with a sufficient supply of coffee at all times.


Full Service

To ensure consistently excellent coffee in your office, we take care of everything – from coffee grinding to machine maintenance


24/7 Coffee warraty

We know our coffee and our coffee machines in every nuace. You don’t have to worry about maintenance because we’ll always take care of it on time.


Individual Approach

We understand that different people and businesses have different needs. That’s why we offer a wide range of options to tailor the best solutions specifically for your office requirements.

Coffee Machines

For the Office We’ll help you choose the right and most suitable coffee machine for your needs. We’ll assess how much coffee you prepare daily, the types of coffee you prefer, and how quickly the drinks need to be ready.

Kafijas aparāti birojam

Coffee Blends

We create a variety of blends for different tastes. All of them are roasted in our own coffee roastery. Get a free consultation and find the perfect blend for your office!


Coffee Machine Rental for Offices – A Service with Added Value

Renting coffee machines for offices is a convenient solution for ensuring daily work operations. This service offers the opportunity to rent professional coffee machines that will provide your office staff and guests with excellent coffee every day. We are confident that Rocket Bean coffee and coffee machines will improve your employees' mood, contribute to a positive atmosphere in the office, and help you host guests, clients, and business partners, creating a great first impression.

Kafijas automātu noma birojiem

The Most Suitable Coffee and Coffee Machines for the Office

The best coffee machines for the office are super-automatic machines. They make excellent coffee, offering a wide range of coffee drinks – latte, flat white, cappuccino, and more. Rocket Bean offers its clients coffee machines from renowned global brands such as Eversys, Schaerer, Kalerm, DrCoffee, and others. Our coffee is always freshly roasted, ensuring a refined taste, aroma, and consistently high quality. We are confident that great coffee promotes a positive work atmosphere. Introducing one of the favorite Rocket Bean coffee blends—Rocket Fuel, El Choco, Pipoca—into your office routine will surely be appreciated by your employees!

Kafijas aparāti birojam

Your Office Coffee Culture in Our Hands

We maintain office coffee culture at the highest level by offering customized solutions. Whether you want to purchase or rent a coffee machine, our goal is to ensure that every cup of coffee in your office is special. From choosing and installing the coffee machine to regular maintenance and coffee bean delivery.

Kafijas aprīkojuma noma

Frequently Asked Questions about Coffee Machines for the Office

What coffee machines for offices does Rocket Bean offer?
We offer our clients Eversys, Schaerer, Kalerm, DrCoffee, Rex-Royal, and other globally recognized brands of super-automatic or professional coffee machines.
Does Rocket Bean offer coffee machine rentals for offices?
Yes, we offer our clients not only the purchase of coffee machines but also rental services. As part of this service, we provide rental of super-automatic (automatic coffee machines), technical support and maintenance, as well as the supply of coffee beans.
What types of businesses is this service suitable for?
Coffee machine rental is suitable for large, medium, and small businesses alike. The most suitable equipment and coffee blend are selected based on coffee consumption habits, volumes, and other criteria.

Annika Kuusk, Hektor Container Hotel

Rocket Bean on parim koostööpartner. Alati kui tullakse kaupa tooma või ka kohvimasinat hooldama, on tunne justkui vanad tuttavad tuleksid külla. Nad on nii soojad ja abivalmid inimesed, et teisi selliseid küll ei tea. Ja see kohv on lihtsalt parim. Kui seda juba jooma hakkad, siis enam mujalt kohvi ei tahagi.

Kristen Karri, Põhjala Tap Room

Rocket Beaniga on alati kõik nii sujuv - kiire ja tõhus reageerimine ning mis peamine, alati megamaitsev kohv! Tooteid kiidavad meil taevani nii külalised kui ka majasisesed kohvihoolikud.

Triin Koppel, Rimi Eesti

Koostöö Rocket Beaniga olnud alati kiire ja meeldiv- tagasiside küsimustele kiire ning kõigele olemas lahendus.Kogu kontor on kohvimasina ning teenindusega rahul.

Heidi Kuusk, Literaat Cafe

Meie koostöö Rocket Beaniga on olnud väga edukas, kuna nad leiavad alati lahendused ja reageerivad kiirelt. Töötajad väga kiidavad põhjalikke koolitusi ja toodete tutvustamist, ning tehnikute kiiret reageerimist. Loodame, et meil on pikk ja tulemuslik pikaaegne koostöö.

Kristi Kräkel, EY Eesti

Meie koostöö Rocket Beaniga on olnud väga edukas, kuna nad leiavad alati lahendused ja reageerivad kiirelt.Töötajad väga kiidavad põhjalikke koolitusi ja toodete tutvustamist, ning tehnikute kiiret reageerimist. Loodame, et meil on pikk ja tulemuslik pikaaegne koostöö.

Learn More on Our Blog

Want to get to know us better before meeting in person? Check out our articles on choosing the right coffee machine.

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    +371 26667718